Existing Members Login Here

  • This link will not work if you’re not signed up on Patreon & Circle. Instructions below.

Instructions & Overview

  • Reselling Mentorship Overview

    • Create a clear and achievable reselling income goal. I recommend creating a goal of $6k a month-pre tax.

    • Create a schedule, systems and routine to develop consistency.

    • Research what to sell and network with other sellers.

  • How to Sign Up

    • Sign Up For the Reseller Nirvana Mentorship on Patreon here.

    • Make more money and save more time, or request your money back.

    • It’s $34.99/month. Cancel anytime with these instructions.

    • If you have any questions about your membership, email chris@dailyrefinement.com.

  • Resources (On Circle)

    • Once you’ve signed up, there will be a link to sign up for Circle. There is no billing on Circle, it holds all of our resources and information.

    • Login for members is here.

    • Weekly Progress Monitoring for Accountability

    • Previous Call Recordings

    • Database of Sourcing/Buying Guides

    • Question Database

    • Link to our 24 hour zoom live room. (Ask anything, anytime.)

  • Current Mentorship Call Schedule (M-F 6AM-10AM PST)

    • M-F 6AM-7AM PST @dailyrefinement Mastermind

      • AM Calls will include Podcast, High Level & Accounting

    • M-F 7AM-9AM PST Basics/Fundamentals

    • Monday 9AM-10AM PST: Women’s Clothing

    • Tuesday 9AM-10AM PST: SOLD Method

    • Wednesday 9AM-10AM PST: Shoe Sellers

    • Thursday 9AM-10AM PST: Men’s Clothing

  • Previous Resources

    • The Facebook Group has been discontinued. If you were a previous member, you can still read all of the posts, but there will be no new activity. All new activity is on Circle, and the login information for Circle is on Patreon.

    • If you were previously a member, when Technsports was active, you can access his calls here, if you’re still active.


Welcome to Daily Refinement! My name is Chris, and I am honored that you would take the time to explore the opportunities of reselling with me.

My reason for creating this site is to spotlight all of the best practices I’ve discovered being a full-time reseller since 2017.

I want to encourage people to start and incorporate a profitable reselling business into their lifestyle. It’s a wonderful way to earn extra money, support yourself, and start investing for your future.

I have been running this site, my mentorship group and full-time reselling for over seven years. I started by selling stuff around the house, and now I’m currently reselling over 1,000 items a day on Whatnot.

The Model I Recommend:

  • $70k+ a year profit reselling 10 items a day. $35/hr, 40 Hours a Week.

    • I recommend $20/profit an item. If you net less per item, it’s the same model, but more processing.

  • 1 hour a day processing, 7 hours a day sourcing*, M-F, Weekends Off

  • This model works on every site (Poshmark, eBay, Mercari, etc).

  • Here’s my active Poshmark that nets about $6k-$10k a month. It has around 10 sales a day and takes less than 10 hours a week, + sourcing time.

  • *You need to be able to find 70 $20+ items a week in 35 hours of sourcing. The processing is similar for all items, the main difference is sourcing.

  • Here’s a video of me doing it. No bullshit, you don’t need to buy anything, you could just copy what I’m doing in this video and you’ll save yourself years of hassle.

How Do I Do This? I Need More Help.

My mission is to help people create the systems they need to process 15 items an hour, start to finish, and research where and what to buy and sell.

  1. Start by recording what you’re doing now on a piece of paper or video record yourself, then make one or more improvements. The ultimate goal is to process 15 items from start to finish in one hour. Post questions or progress in the group.

  2. Research where and what to buy and sell. Sell more of what does well, and sell less of what does worse. Buy and sell the best items you can, until you know better items, then sell better items. The ultimate goal is to sell 10 or more items that are $20 profit daily for $6k a month, pre-tax. Use our $20 Profit Guide in the group to improve your product knowledge. Post your product knowledge tips.

Where professional resellers research what sells best, and improve their processes.


Reach 📈

The core of any reseller is to maximize traffic and sales on the platform they choose to sell on. The mentorship is based on the SOLD METHOD of reselling.

Whether it be eBay, Poshmark or Whatnot, we focus on the 13 ways to rank higher. These principles apply to every marketplace.

Research 🎯

One of the best ways to improve the number of items you sell, and increase your average sale price is to increase your knowledge of what to sell, and how to find those items.

Upload a guide of a specific brand or category, and receive $25 per guide up to $50 each month. We are a group dedicated to teaching people how to fish.

Check out the Local Profit Guide inside of the group to research what’s available in your local area, and exactly what keywords to look for in each category.

Process 💰

We aren't afraid to talk about processes inside this mentorship. Streamlined systems aren’t the only goal, but it's a big part of your business that we want to help you grow.

You’re only as good as your habits and systems, so by better improving these systems, you can better improve your offerings, be more thoughtful with what you sell, and invest into resources to support your ideal lifestyle.

Relationships and Vendors 🤝

No one succeeds alone. You will go a lot farther and move a lot faster when you work with others who have the same mission.

This is one of the biggest benefits of this community – we can all lift each other up. And as we each succeed, we each become an even more powerful force for one another.

When the people you want to supply you see you as a trusted seller, they are more likely to share your store and sell to you. Supplier relationships are based on trust built over time.

The bottom line...

We help members of The Reseller Nirvana community sell more items and save time. We have a full 100% money back guarantee if you’re not happy for any reason.